Sunday, June 22, 2014

Episcopalian Rap-- Really!

We love our church and we cannot lie

Episcopalians can’t deny

With the smells and the bells                                                           

When you’re in your place                                                          

With a prayer book in your face

You won’t be bored,

When we glorify the Lord!


We never falter

When we go up to the altar.                                                          

And we don’t mind it

If you get behind it

Because the presence of God

Is where you find it!

Our priest wears a collar

But we won’t holler

If you dress really dapper

Or like a rapper

Or an nerdy Bible scholar.
 We baptize babies!

We ordain ladies!  


We’ll bless your cat!                                                           

And more than that

We’ll bless your backpack.

And that's a fact, Jack.

Do we have a Pope?


But we have got faith and hope.                                         

And from above                                                                        
The Lord sends down his love.

So fellas!  Ladies!

If you don’t want to go to Hades                                                       

 And you’re looking for a church

That won’t leave you in the lurch

But you don’t know what to do --

The Episcopal Church welcomes you!                                                                     


(Ending for Lent and Advent:  The Lord Be With You)

Apologies and Thanks to Sir Mix-A-Lot
Does anyone want to make a video?







  1. Ah, this explains both why you're down to 1.9 million for the first time since Coolidge and why your non-White membership is barely 5%.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean. Is it because a member feels comfortable enough with the Church to write this or do you have a problem with the doctrine?
